RTP Federal Credit Union Membership Application

Please fill out this form completely, providing all requested information. When you have completed the form, click the submit button to send your application. Processing will take approximately 2 to 4 business days. If you are unsure how to fill out this form, please call RTP Federal Credit Union at (919) 941-5700.

After your online membership application has been processed, you will be asked to stop by a branch to sign the application. Please bring a valid driver's license or passport and proof of employment or association membership (if applicable). If you prefer to open your account by mail, complete and print this application and follow the directions at the top. Note: We require notarized signatures on all applications returned by mail, and you must include an initial minimum $25 deposit, a copy of your driver's license or passport, and verification of employment or association membership (if applicable). Send your completed application with a check to RTP Federal Credit Union, P.O. Box 12807, RTP, NC 27709.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT PROCEDURES FOR OPENING A NEW ACCOUNT - To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, Federal law requires all financial institutions to obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each person who opens an account. What does this mean to you? When you open an account, we will ask you for your name, address, date of birth, and other information that will allow us to identify you. We may also ask to see your driver's license or other identifying documents. If we are unable to verify your identity, the account will not be opened. We may report information about your account to credit bureaus. Late payments, missed payments, or other defaults on your account may be reflected in your credit report.

Within 10 business days of receipt of this application, you must:

Come into any RTP Federal Credit Union branch location to sign your membership application and fund your account with a minimum $25 deposit into your savings account. Note: Please bring a valid driver's license or passport and proof of employment or association membership (if applicable).

Note: All fields marked with an asterisk (*) indicate fields that must be completed before submitting your application.

How are you eligible for membership?

Employed by one of our member companies. If you are unsure, you may ask your HR Manager or contact us at (919) 941-5700.
        Member Company:
Family member of a current member
        Current Member:    

Primary Account Owner:

City/State/Zip:* ,
Social Security Number/TIN:*
Driver's License Number:*
Date of Birth:*
Home Phone:* ( ) -
Work Phone: ( ) -
Cell Phone: ( ) -

Designate the ownership of the accounts and the responsibility of the services requested:

Individual Joint Account with Rights of Survivorship

Joint Accounts have Rights of Survivorship unless you provide us with written directions not to elect rights of survivorship on the account(s). Upon the death of one joint owner, the surviving owner(s) will have equal rights of ownership. The balance in the account(s), excluding IRA Accounts, belongs to the surviving joint owner(s). If a survivorship option has not been indicated here, your accounts will be designated as Joint with Survivorship.

Joint Owner #1:

Joint Owner #1:
City/State/Zip: ,
Social Security Number/TIN:
Driver's License Number:
Date of Birth:
Home Phone: ( ) -
Work Phone: ( ) -
Cell Phone: ( ) -

Joint Owner #2:

Joint Owner #2:
City/State/Zip: ,
Social Security Number/TIN:
Driver's License Number:
Date of Birth:
Home Phone: ( ) -
Work Phone: ( ) -
Cell Phone: ( ) -

Type of Account Requested:

Share/Savings *
Basic Checking/Share Draft
Interest Checking/Share Draft
Money Fund
Vacation Club
Christmas Club
Share Certificate
Triangle Teens Share
Triangle Teens Share Draft
Triangle Kids Share

Account Services Requested:

Payroll Deduction/Direct Deposit
Overdraft Protection
Home Banking
TouchTone Teller
Debit Card

Account Designations:

Payable on Death (POD): All accounts Designate specific account(s):

If you would like to establish your account as a Payable-on-Death Account and you would like to designate beneficiary(ies), please fill in the appropriate section(s) below. The account owner(s) reserve the right to change or revoke this designation at any time.
If you're naming only one beneficiary, put 100% in the space provided. If you're naming more than one beneficiary, please indicate what percentage each is to receive. The total must equal 100%.

Beneficiary/POD Payee #1:   %
Date of Birth:
City/State/Zip: ,
Beneficiary/POD Payee #2:   %
Date of Birth:
City/State/Zip: ,
Beneficiary/POD Payee #3:   %
Date of Birth:
City/State/Zip: ,
Beneficiary/POD Payee #4:   %
Date of Birth:
City/State/Zip: ,
Personal Agent Account. (G.S. 54-109.63) I understand that by establishing a personal agency account under the provisions of N.C.G.S. 54-109.63 that the agent named in the account may 1) sign checks drawn on the account; and 2) make deposits into the account. I also understand that upon my death, the money remaining in the account will be controlled by my will or inherited by my heirs.
Name of Agent:
All Accounts Designate specific account(s):
UTTMA/UGMA (as custodian for):
(minor under the Uniform Transfers/Gifts to Minors Act)
Minor's TIN/SSN:
Minor's DOB:
Custodian Name:
Successor to Custodian:

TIN Certification and Backup Withholding Information:

Under penalties of perjury, I certify that:
The number shown on this form is my correct taxpayer identification number,
I am not subject to backup withholding because: (a) I am exempt from withholding, or (b) I have not been notified by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that I am subject to backup withholding as a result of a failure to report all interest or dividends, or (c) the IRS has notified me that I am no longer subject to backup withholding, and
Check one:      


Applicants certify all information provided is true and correct. By clicking Submit below, you acknowledge receipt and agree to be bound by any terms and conditions of the following: Membership Application, Terms and Conditions of Your Account, Truth-in-Savings, Common Features and Fees, Funds Availability Policy, and to any other separate account/service applications or agreements as amended from time to time. If an access card or electronic service is requested and provided, you agree to the terms of and acknowledge receipt of the Electronic Funds Transfer Agreement. You also agree: (a) that the credit union may obtain your credit report for the purposes of verifying the information on this Account Card, determining your eligibility for the account, credit or service(s) noted on this Account Card and identifying additional credit union products and services to offer to you; (b) that the credit union may obtain your credit report at a later time for the purposes of reviewing and collecting on the account, credit or service(s) noted on this Account Card; (c) that the credit union may tell others about its credit experience with you and obtain information from others about your credit history and performance. Joint owners are equally responsible, jointly and individually, for complying with all terms of all agreements and policies of RTP FCU. If a joint owner is indicated, all accounts established under this membership, except IRA Accounts, will be a Joint Account with Right of Survivorship unless you provide us with written directions not to elect rights of survivorship on the account(s). Security Interest: All present and future deposits into my accounts will secure any and all obligations that I owe the credit union, including fees, charges, loans and credit cards that I have with you, unless otherwise disclosed in the Terms and Conditions of Your Account disclosure.
Within 10 business days of receipt of this application, you must:
Come into any RTP Federal Credit Union branch location to fund your account with a minimum $25 deposit into your savings account. Note: Please bring a valid driver's license or passport and proof of employment or association membership (if applicable).

* indicates a required field
