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CardValet® allows cardholders the ability to take control of your debit and credit cards by giving you the ability to define when, where and how your cards are used. It's easy! Simply download the CardValet® app to your smartphone, then customize usage settings and alert preferences to manage your cards.

With CardValet®, you'll be able to turn your card "off" when you aren't using it, then back "on" before you make a purchase. You'll also be able to restrict card usage based on location, set alerts for when a transaction takes place or is declined and more, giving you customized real-time information about how your accounts are being accessed.* It will also protect you against fraudulent on-line purchases.

View the CardValet® Quick Reference Guide

How Do I Get the CardValet® App?

  • Visit the Apple app store or Google play store on your Apple or Android device and download the CardValet® app.
  • Open the app and follow the steps for entering your debit card information.
  • Validate your identity.
  • Create your username and password. (Please note the credit union does not have access to your username and password. Password resets will need to be initiated through the CardValet® app.)

How Do I Use the CardValet® App?

  • Login to the CardValet® app on your Apple or Android device and select the card you want control from the home screen.
  • Turn your card "on" or "off."
  • Set control and alert preferences such as location, merchant types and spend limits.
  • Review transactions and access your account details.

Have questions? Contact our Member Call Center at (919) 941-5700 for more information.

* Please note that when using the CardValet® app you may incur mobile internet/data charges from your carrier/service plan. Please check with your carrier and service plan on specific charges.

NCUA Equal Housing Lender
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