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Mobile Banking

Frequently Asked Questions about Mobile Deposit

Q: What is Mobile Deposit?
A: Mobile Deposit is a tool that allows you to electronically deposit checks with an iPhone, iPad or Android device by using the RTP FCU Mobile Banking App.
Q: What are the Mobile Deposit requirements?
A: In order to use the Mobile Deposit feature, you must meet the following requirements:
  • Be a member in good standing with a checking account or a loan.
  • Be a member with Home Banking. Learn how to get Home Banking here.
  • Do not have a loan delinquent more than 30 days.
  • Do not have excessive returned deposited items.
  • Do not have a share or loan charge off.
Q: How do I register for Mobile Deposit?
A: Simply log in to your account on the RTP FCU Mobile Banking App and tap on the Deposit Checks button. Next, you’ll see the Mobile Remote Deposit Services Agreement on your screen. After reading the agreement, you may accept or decline. If you accept, you’ll receive a message letting you know that your registration has been sent. Registrations will take one business day to process and an email will be sent to you confirming that your registration is complete. You must be registered for Mobile Deposit before you will be able to start depositing checks.
Q: Is there a charge to use Mobile Banking?
A: No, RTP FCU’s Mobile Deposit is FREE, however, depending on your service data plan, you may incur web charges or text messaging fees. Check with your mobile service carrier to get more information.
Q: What types of accounts accept Mobile Deposit?
A: You may use Mobile Deposit to deposit funds to any of your RTP FCU checking, savings or certificate accounts.
Q: How should I endorse my Mobile Deposit check?
A: Effective July 1st, 2018, endorsements on the back of mobile deposit checks must include your signature and a statement below your signature that reads "For Mobile Deposit Only at RTP CU". The backs of most checks now have a check box with instructions to "check here after mobile or remote deposit." This box is for your mobile deposit recordkeeping purposes only. If you choose to check this box, it is not a substitute for the correct mobile deposit endorsement note.
Q: Are deposits made using Mobile Deposit secure?
A: Yes, RTP FCU ensures the protection of our members’ accounts and assets. Our Mobile Banking service requires account login and authentication to ensure that unauthorized devices are not connected and to safeguard our members’ accounts from fraudulent activities. Your scanned check is secure and is protected through our app which is encrypted to industry standards.
Q: When will my deposit be credited to my account?
A: Mobile Deposits will normally be credited to your account by the next business day. Funds may not be available for up to 5 business days.
Q: How will I know when my check has been deposited?
A: You will receive an email confirmation once your check has been accepted. The quickest way to verify your deposit is to log in to your Home Banking or Mobile Banking account and see the deposit credited to your account.
Q: What is the maximum amount that I can deposit using Mobile Deposit?
A: With Mobile Deposit, you can deposit a check written for any amount up to $2,500 daily and up to $10,000 per rolling 30 days.
Q: What should I do if I have a check for an amount that exceeds the limit?
A: Please visit your nearest RTP FCU branch or ATM to deposit checks written for an amount over $2,500.
Q: Are there any types of check that cannot be submitted using Mobile Deposit?
A: Mobile Deposit requires that all deposited checks must be checks payable to the owner of the account (i.e., not payable to another party and then endorsed to you.) The following items cannot be submitted for deposit with Mobile Deposit:
  • Checks payable to a business or estate
  • Items stamped with “non-negotiable”
  • Post-dated or stale-dated checks
  • Incomplete checks – checks missing any required information
  • Third party checks – checks payable to someone else, endorsed and signed over to you
  • Foreign checks – checks payable to you and drawn on a financial institution in another country
  • Altered checks – checks that contain evidence of alteration to information on the face
  • Checks purported to be a lottery or prize winning
  • RTP FCU checks drawn on your account
  • Checks previously submitted for deposit 
  • Money orders
Q: What should I do with checks that have been submitted with Mobile Deposit?
A: After you receive confirmation that we have credited your Mobile Deposit, securely store the original check for 60 calendar days after transmission to RTP FCU and make the original check accessible to RTP FCU at request. After 60 days, please destroy the check by marking it VOID and shredding it. Make sure the check is not rescanned or deposited elsewhere.
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