RTP Federal Credit Union
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Taking Precautions: COVID-19

The health and safety of our members and employees is our main priority amid concerns about the spread of COVID-19. The credit union is staying informed on the situation and taking steps to keep everyone protected. 


8/10/2021 Update

Due to the rapid increase in COVID cases, the credit union is requiring all members and visitors to our branches to wear a mask. Employees are also required to wear a mask. Please continue to utilize our drive-thru as well as our many online options for convenience banking. 

6/21/2021 Update

The credit union's lobbies are open. Anyone who is vaccinated is not required to wear a mask. We ask anyone who is not vaccinated to continue to wear a mask. Appointments are encouraged.

5/3/2021 Update

The credit union's lobbies have reopened. We ask that all members wear a mask. Our employees will be wearing masks as well. Please be prepared to lower mask and show ID. 

6/30/2020 Update

The credit union remains committed to keeping our employees and members safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. As COVID-19 remains a major threat in our community, and North Carolina remains in Phase 2, the credit union will continue to operate with our branches primarily closed. Members should continue to use our drive thru, call center, home and mobile banking or make an appointment with our branch staff for more complex transactions.

We remain committed to serving our members and meeting everyone’s financial needs the best and safest way possible. We are all in this together and will get through this together. We hope everyone is well and staying safe.

4/29/2020 Update

Stimulus Checks

RTP Credit Union is posting stimulus checks as soon as the funds are received. We do not control the timing of payments. If you have questions regarding your stimulus check, we suggest going to the IRS website for more details: https://www.irs.gov/coronavirus/get-my-payment.

4/6/2020 Update

Loan Deferrals

If you are experiencing hardship during the COVID-19 crisis, please contact us to discuss payment deferrals on your current RTP CU loans.

3/24/2020 Update

Support During Challenging Times

If you are experiencing employment disruption or having difficulty paying your bills due to the current health crisis, we are here for you. Talk to an RTP CU representative to discuss the options available to you. Even though we are navigating through changing and difficult times, our commitment to helping our members remains the same. We are here to help. Please contact us at (919) 941-5700.

Steps we are taking:

  • As a preventative measure, we will temporarily be closing our branch lobbies to the public starting March, 19th. Our drive-thru will remain open and fully functional to assist members. Our member call center will also remain open Monday - Friday, 8:30 am - 5:00 pm at (919) 941-5700. You may also reach member service through Secure Chat which is accessible through your Home Banking account.
  • Limited access to the lobby will be permitted for complex transactions, loan appointments and opening new accounts; but will only be available by making an appointment in advance. This will allow us to take proper cleaning and sanitization steps between appointments. If you require special assistance, or need to schedule an appointment, please call us at (919) 941-5700.
  • Our team is monitoring information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as well as our local and state health departments. We are communicating regularly with our employees to keep them informed and to ensure their safety and that of our members.
  • As a precautionary measure, we have hand sanitizer available for our employees and members.
  • Surfaces in our branches are being disinfected with anti-bacterial cleaner numerous times per day.

Steps we ask you to take:

  • Stay up to date on information on the spread of COVID-19. Information can be located on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website.
  • We ask that you please refrain from a branch lobby visit if you are not feeling well. We offer drive-up teller service available at all branches.
  • We also offer digital tools such as Home Banking and Mobile Banking — which includes Mobile Deposit.
  • Members may also use our ATMs for no-fee cash withdrawals as well as all Cash Points machines.

Please be vigilant in keeping your hands washed and stay home when you are not feeling well. The credit union employees pledge to do the same. We will continue to update this page to keep you informed of developments at RTP CU.

NCUA Equal Housing Lender
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